Peter on Peter

I was born in 1958 in Speicher (Eifel). I studied art history at Trier and at Vienna, and established myself as an independent antiquarian bookseller in 1987. I am a member of the Verband Deutscher Antiquare (VDA) and of the International League of Antiquarian Booksellers (ILAB)
Besides being a book-seller, I have also authored of a number of scholarly publications, mainly dealing with book and map history. I am regularly called upon by German and Luxembourgisch archives, libraries, and museums to act as conultant, appraiser, or estimator.
The following is a representative choice of my papers:
- (i) ‘Der “Lutzenburgii typus” des Antwerpener Verlages Gerard de Jode. Ein Neufund und neue Erkenntnisse zur ältesten gedruckten Landkarte des Herzogtums Luxemburg’, in: Hémecht 60 (2008), pp. 173 – 190 (in collab. with Peter H. Meurer).
- (ii) ‘Die Eifel-Alben der Kunstanstalten Bernhoeft und Schaar & Dathe. Ein Wettlauf um das schönste Foto-Album der Eifel’, in: Eifeljahrbuch 2010, pp. 156 –
- (iii) ‘Charles Bernhoeft et ses concurrents de Trèves’, in: Edmond Thill (ed.), Charles Bernhoeft, photographe de la Belle Epoque, Luxembourg: Musée National d’Histoire et d’Art Luxembourg, 2014, pp. 413 – 441; ibid.: ‘Catalogue des albums de Charles Bernhoeft’, pp. 621 – 721 (in collab. with Fernand Gonderinger and Edmond Thill).
- (iv) ‘Die Ortelius-Karte von Luxemburg und ihre Zustände’, in: Hémecht 69 (2017), pp. 149 – 160 S 149-160 (in collab. with Karl Solchenbach).
I feel especially committed to helping the regional libraries to develop their collections and take professional care of them. In my capacity as vice chairman of the Gesellschaft der Freunde und Förderer, I devote a great deal of time and energy to the Wissenschaftliche Bibliothek der Stadt Trier, which houses a very important and internationally renowned collection of manuscripts and incunabula.
Read HERE the article published in the Trierischer Volksfreund: ‘Herr der wertvollen Bücher’.